
For your convenience, here are some important documents that we require from every new Client. If you have any questions, or have any trouble downloading these documents, please let us know.

Power of Attorney


Terms and Conditions


ISF Form & Instructions


Cargo Insurance Questions


Continuous Bond Application


VGM Submission Form


Credit Application

Complete Online

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a Power of Attorney, and how do I complete it?

The Power of Attorney is a document that authorizes a licensed Customs broker to act as agent for the owner or purchaser of imported products. The Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows the Customs broker to take the steps necessary to effect the release of the imported products in CBP custody. C J cannot legally act on your behalf as your Customs broker without a valid Power of Attorney.

You can find a copy of our Power of Attorney form above. Instructions for completing the form are at the bottom of the page. Please be sure to fill out the document completely, and have it signed by an officer of your company, or someone otherwise authorized to sign.

Why do I have to report my shipment to Customs and Border Protection (CBP)?

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is the federal agency responsible for preventing illegal products from entering the country and collecting duties due on legal products entering the country. No product can enter the United States without the permission of CBP. CBP is the largest federal law enforcement agency in the United States and is an agency of the Department of Homeland Security.

Are my shipments subject to any other government agencies?

Possibly. It mostly depends on what you are importing. There are several Partner Government Agencies (PGA) that coordinate with Customs and Border Protection to carry out the individual missions of those agencies. As your licensed Customs Broker, C J will review all the products that you import, and will help you determine if they are subject to the regulations of any PGA’s.

What documents do I need to give CBP?

The most common documents required to make entry for an import shipment are the Bill of Lading, the Commercial Invoice, and the Packing List. Other documents may be necessary depending on the character of the merchandise or the Country of Origin. These documents are necessary to provide evidence of the right to make entry, to determine the dutiable value of the product being imported, and to determine the admissibility of the product being imported.

What is an Importer Security Filing (ISF)?

The Importer Security Filing (ISF) was created by the SAFE Port Act of 2006. For all merchandise being imported by vessel, certain advance cargo information must be electronically submitted to CBP in the form of an ISF. The importer is responsible for submitting the ISF no later than 24 hours before the cargo is loaded onto a vessel destined to the United States. The ISF is not required for air shipments.

If the ISF is not submitted on time, the importer of record could be subject to fines and penalties up to $5,000-$10,000 per transaction. As your licensed Customs Broker, C J can submit the data you supply on your behalf.

Why do I need a Customs Bond?

A Customs Bond is an insurance policy that guarantees the payment of all duties and taxes due to CBP on an import shipment. All import entries valued over $2500 must be accompanied by evidence that a bond has been posted with CBP to cover any potential duties, taxes, and charges that may accrue.

An importer can choose to purchase a Single-entry bond or a Continuous bond. A Continuous Bond (also known as an Annual Bond) is almost always the most cost-effective option, especially because a Continuous Bond also fulfills an importer’s obligations to have an Importer Security Filing (ISF) bond on file. C J can help you determine which kind of bond is best for your company, and get your bond posted with CBP.

What is Reasonable Care?

Reasonable Care is a concept that was created by the Customs Modernization Act of 1993. The “Mod Act” was implemented in the pursuit of increased voluntary compliance with Customs laws. The “Mod Act” not only requires Customs to provide information about an importer’s responsibilities (Informed Compliance), but also requires importers to use “reasonable care” to comply with Customs laws. There is no simple definition of reasonable care, but selecting a qualified, experienced, and reputable Customs Broker is a good first step to fulfilling your obligations. C J can help you review your company’s compliance program and recommend procedures to make sure you are exercising Reasonable Care.

What are Incoterms®?

INCOTERMS is an abbreviation of "International Commercial Terms." Incoterms® are a set of standard trade terms used in international contracts for the sale of goods. The Incoterms® Rules do not refer to all terms of sale, but those specifically developed and trademarked by the International Chamber of Commerce. These terms are standardized to reduce or remove uncertainties arising from different interpretations of the rules in different countries. The Incoterms® Rules clearly outline the obligations of the buyer and the seller for the delivery of goods in international transactions. C J can help you determine which terms are most beneficial to your company’s bottom line. Find more details on the ICC's website:

What is Duty Drawback?

Duty Drawback is a refund (up to 99%) of duties, taxes, and fees on eligible merchandise that is exported or destroyed within 5 years of importation into the United States. It is an underutilized opportunity to save claimants thousands of dollars, with upwards of 2 billion dollars going unclaimed annually. The most common types of drawback are Manufacturing, Unused Merchandise, Rejected Merchandise, and Same Condition drawback under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). C J International has specialized knowledge of duty drawback and can help you discover if your company is eligible for the program, as well as guide you in processing your drawback entries.

How can a Foreign Trade Zone save shippers on costs?

A Foreign Trade Zone is a designated area within the United States that is treated by Customs as if it is outside of the United States. By allowing merchandise to be entered into a Zone free of duty, and allowing manufacturing processes to transform that merchandise, a Foreign Trade Zone can provide many opportunities for tariff and tax relief. As your licensed Customs Broker, C J can analyze your supply chain and help you determine if using a Foreign Trade Zone can help your company save money.

How can a Binding Ruling help importers?

Requesting a binding ruling essentially means asking Customs to say whether or not they agree with the classification the importer has chosen. If Customs accepts the classification, and provides a binding ruling for the product, every port of entry is required to honor that classification. Binding rulings provide uniformity across all ports of entry, and protect the importer from variations in interpretation from current and future CBP personnel.


Here's a link to the Customs and Border Protection web page, as well as some Partner Government Agencies that may have jurisdiction over your shipments. If you're looking for something in particular and can't find it, please let us know. We'll be happy to help.

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