Imports from Hong Kong required to be labelled Country of Origin China – Potential Section 301 Duties

On August 11, 2020 CBP issued guidance on the new country of origin marking rules for goods produced in Hong Kong. The new country or origin marking rule, based on President Trump’s Executive Order (EO 13936 dated July 14, 2020) on Hong Kong Normalization, will take effect for goods entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption into the U.S. as of September 25, 2020.

By law, this action would apply as of July 29, 2020 – 15 days after the EO issue date. However, CBP has granted a 45-day transition period – to September 25, 2020 – to provide the Trade sufficient time to adjust and comply with the new marking rules.

With this new rule, goods that were once considered substantially changed in Hong Kong will be treated as goods of China origin and would be subject to the China Section 301 tariffs currently assessed against certain Chinese goods.

If you have questions, please contact your local C J representative.


Monthly Supply Chain Newsletter: The CrossDock