Next Round of Section 301 Tariffs
President Trump’s next round of Section 301 tariffs, up to 25% from the original 10%, is slated for goods entered on or after January 1, 2019. Most of the Chinese suppliers and producers have ramped up production and are scrambling to load their cargo with the hopes that shipments will arrive to the U.S. before the target date.
As it stands, the Chinese market for freight space is very tight. Cargo destined for the East Coast has an estimated transit of 30 days, in a best case scenario. Our China agents are doing their best to meet the needs of these shippers. As the clock ticks, the window of opportunity becomes smaller with little to no guarantee that cargo will arrive by the end of the year.
If you have cargo that is an absolute must, please contact us so we can assess your needs and how best to meet them, if possible. Carriers’ space is tight on regularly scheduled sailings but you may want (or need) to consider premium service, and with that comes premium cost. If sea freight does not offer an option for your products to arrive – and be entered – before December 31st, you may also want to consider air freight.
Contact your local C J representative to go over your options.